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Lawrence ("Chip") Pierce, Chief Financial Strategist
New Mexico Finance Authority Public Project Revolving Fund (PPRF)
New Mexico Finance Authority Public Project Revolving Fund (PPRF)
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The NMFA has over 1,000 outstanding loans in its Public Project Revolving Fund portfolio. This dashboard provides information at both the aggregate revenue-pledge level as well as at the individual loan level.
The NMFA has over $1 billion of outstanding Public Project Revolving Fund bonds at its senior and subordinate lien levels. This dashboard provides debt information on both the senior and the subordinate lien, program debt service coverages, and bond issue-level details.
The GGRT provides a fundamental source of security for all bonds issued by the NMFA’s Public Project Revolving Fund (PPRF) program. This dashboard provides comprehensive information on historic and current GGRT collections.
The PPRF program is secured by both underlying borrower loan repayments and the Governmental Gross Receipts Tax. This dashboard provides a clear visual representation of the revenues that secure the PPRF’s senior lien and subordinate lien bond programs.